Alyssa, Gratefully Nourished

Hi! I’m Alyssa Pike!​

Founder of Gratefully Nourished, follower of Jesus, new mom and registered dietitian. I provide resources and coaching to women and moms who are looking to eat healthy without obsession–and without sacrificing their relationship with food.

Three Tips For Navigating The Summertime In The Midst of Disordered Eating Recovery

Ah, sweet summertime! It’s warm, it’s fun and it’s full of opportunities to be in a swimsuit. Here are a few tips for navigating the summertime in the midst of disordered eating recovery.

You do not have to post pictures of yourself in a swimsuit online.

You don’t have to share any part of your life on social media if you don’t want to. As I was growing up, Instagram/Facebook really became prominent platforms to share your life and it felt normal — almost obligatory– for me to constantly share my life. I’m still working through that. For me, I think it was/still is a function of protection –> if I project this awesome life, people will be less likely to assume I’m going through X, Y or Z. Woof, didn’t know we were going that deep, did we? But really if it’s stressful to post a picture of yourself in a swimsuit, don’t.

Remember that bloating is a normal part of digestion.

I still feel like people are trying to avoid being bloated. Bloating is a very normal part of digestion, and it happens to all of us. Yes, there are cases of extremely painful bloating, and that’s not normal. But sometimes we are stressed about how a food might bloat us, and it makes the whole experience worse. The gut-brain connection is fascinating, and there’s research that stress during eating can actually upset our digestive system.

Notice your language about food and bodies.

As we begin this time of year where people naturally wear less clothing (because hi, DC humidity!), be aware of the language you’re using about food and people’s bodies. And if someone makes unsolicited comments about your body or food choices, know that while it can really hurt, it’s not your responsibility to change their mind.

Here’s hoping you have a fun & less stressful summer in the sun. 🙂

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